Band: MewithoutYou
CD: It's All Crazy It's All False It's All A Dream Its Alright
Year: 2009
Style: Indie
Label: Tooth & Nail Records
Country: United States
Length: 00:44:55
Size: 42.10MB
Quality: VBR
Track List:
01. "Every Thought a Thought of You"
02. "A Stick, Carrot & String"
03. "The Angel of Death Came to David's Room"
04. "Goodbye, I!"
05. "The Fox, the Crow and the Cookie"
06. "Bullet to Binary, Pt. Two"
07. "Timothy Hay"
08. "Fig With a Bellyache"
09. "Cattail Down"
10. "The King Beetle on a Coconut Estate"
11. "Allah, Allah, Allah"
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